Safety conveyor

  • Arrêt d'urgence - convoyeur - Tecnitude
    Bouton d'arrêt d'urgence rouge

Any intervener on conveyors or near a conveyor shall be equipped with individual safety protections (EPI), namely: hard hat, ear muffs, goggles, gloves, safety shoes, non-floating clothing appropriate size.

It is imperative that the persons designated maintenance, adjustment and other interventions of all kinds, are qualified and authorized. Becoming knowledgeable of the conveyor as the machine and its operation is required to better assess the risks.

Safety recommendations for working on a conveyor

People exposed herein and/or involved in the hazardous area must have the time and the means to quickly oppose the start of the conveyor belt (control delay). Any body in motion can present a risk of cuts, crush, falling rocks, etc. which can result in very serious injuries which may cause death. Keep away any element moving to avoid getting sucked, clothing, tools and members.

In general, it is imperative to check the presence and lock all guards barred before the start of the conveyor. Check that there are no stones and / or balance object on the conveyor, on the edge bands or in the chutes before working on the conveyor.

Work at heights above 2 meters will be from gateways equipped with guardrails. If no gateway, the use of a harness and / or nacelle, complying with standards is mandatory. Interventions in dangerous areas conveyors must always be conducted at least 2 people. Lubrication and / or control of the organs located in the danger zone should in any case be made during operation of the carrier. All precautions intervention must have been taken.

In case of stopping of the conveyor, it is imperative that the control system is designed and constructed such that all the elements upstream stop instantly and stop the supply thereof. The control system must be designed and constructed so that all starting is preceded by a warning tone (see Annex 1 art.233-84 code work).

Response procedures

When working in hazardous areas, recording the intervention area and ensure the safe shutdown of the upstream and downstream conveyors can be hazardous and / or cause falling objects (see response procedures and internal logging in the user undertaking). After logging, remove if necessary protections and make the interventions. Once the operation is complete, reassemble the protections and raise the setpoint.

Fire hazard

Avoid reconciliation flames or electric arc. In general, avoid heat sources near flammable objects (rubber, tires, etc.).