Developing our business and expanding must not be at the expense of quality of life.
Based on this simple idea, we want to translate it into concrete action.
Ideas and exchanges must be free and cross-functional within our team.
Asa member of the eco-company network, French manufacturing, the promotion of local initiatives and eco-responsible ideas are all part of our thinking and choices.
The members of our teams must be able to develop their knowledge and skills, and to flourish within their positions, in accordance with the legal provisions in place, but also through training, internal exchanges and spontaneous actions.
We wanted to integrate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into our organization. Because human rights, labor rights and environmental rights are closely linked and contribute to the general well-being, we firmly believe that the future of the company depends first and foremost on respect for people and the environment.
Beyond the notions of communication, exchange and skills transfer, we are keen to offer a fulfilling working environment, and wherever possible to integrate our eco-citizen ideas and convictions.